During the first 5 years, our specialist team and capable partners have contributed towards a significant transformation of SA’s cities and towns:

  • R120m catalytic debt facility promoting efficient, EDGE-rated affordable housing in South Africa (Nedbank & DBSA/DEA Green Fund);
  • Two unlisted vehicles facilitating increased supply of affordable housing supply and greater access to consumer housing finance (property debt fund / blended finance facility);
  • Property loan approvals worth more than R500m in respect of 5 000+ units of affordable and social housing.




Our Brief:

As a progressive lender, TUHF wished to grow its business advantage by creating a green loan concept with a view to raising capital for this portfolio in green bond markets. We were instructed to assist by ALCB, a catalytic Africa-focused bond fund and prospective green bond investor.

Our Brief:

Lorum ipsum. Cursus cubilia, pretium quisque est. Hac luctus bibendum placerat fames gravida tortor torquent conubia. Proin porta urna libero suscipit ac tempus quisque elementum penatibus scelerisque nulla himenaeos! Per ultricies himenaeos, posuere mi.

Our Brief:

Lorum ipsum. Cursus cubilia, pretium quisque est. Hac luctus bibendum placerat fames gravida tortor torquent conubia. Proin porta urna libero suscipit ac tempus quisque elementum penatibus scelerisque nulla himenaeos! Per ultricies himenaeos, posuere mi.Our Brief:

Our Solution:

Working with Solid Green Consulting, we created a green building tool focusing on the main drivers of electricity and water consumption in inner city rental stock. A green loan concept was designed based on anticipated impact on cash flows and property value, aligned with the asset eligibility requirements of the Green Bond Principles. The development of a green bond framework may ultimately facilitate green bond issuance on the JSE, attracting a diverse pool of investors with sustainable investment mandates.

Our Solution:

Lorum ipsum. Cursus cubilia, pretium quisque est. Hac luctus bibendum placerat fames gravida tortor torquent conubia. Proin porta urna libero suscipit ac tempus quisque elementum penatibus scelerisque nulla himenaeos! Per ultricies himenaeos, posuere mi.

Our Solution:

Lorum ipsum. Cursus cubilia, pretium quisque est. Hac luctus bibendum placerat fames gravida tortor torquent conubia. Proin porta urna libero suscipit ac tempus quisque elementum penatibus scelerisque nulla himenaeos! Per ultricies himenaeos, posuere mi.